Gmail: Personalize Your Settings — Set Languages, Display Preferences, Vacation Responders, and Desktop Notifications

In this video, you will personalize the settings of your Gmail account to make it work best for you.

You will: Select your language settings, Set display preferences, Set desktop notifications, Add an email signature, And set a vacation responder.

To begin, go to Gmail settings.

From this menu, you can choose options like selecting a language.

Click on one of the buttons at the top for more personalization options than what is explored in this lesson.

First, select your desired language settings.

Then, set up your preferences for what you would like the display to look like.

Decide how many conversations you want to see on one page and the default font, size, and color of your text.

There may be other preferences you would like to set, such as whether to turn on suggestions as you write an email, or whether or not to display external images.

Set up desktop notifications if you’d like to be informed with a pop-up when a new message has arrived.

You can also turn notifications off.

When you set up a signature, it will show up automatically at the bottom of every message when you begin to compose an email.

Choose the font, size, and style of the text in your signature and decide if you want to include a link or photo. Click in the box to include your signature in replies as well.

Next, set up a vacation responder that will let people know when you are away and not answering your email. It sends an automatic message that you are away to those who email you.

Customize the responder by adding the days you will be away, a subject line, and the message you want those emailing you to receive back.

Turn off the vacation responder when you get back in the office.

In the next video, you will compose and send an email that incorporates an image and a shared file.

Now, it’s your turn: Select your language settings, Set display preferences, Set desktop notifications, Add an email signature, And set a vacation responder.


  1. Select your language settings.
  2. Set display preferences.
  3. Set desktop notifications.
  4. Add an email signature.
  5. Set a vacation responder.

This content is from Google and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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